During the months of December, January and February is the collecting Latirostris caiman nests in nature. Different groups of people head to the mountains, lakes, rivers and fields in search of nests, which are paid by each one found. Also, people from different rural areas helps to collectors telling where the nests and thus are paid. In each group there is a person of criadero, that when he finds a nest, using specific techniques as collection and transportation from nesting areas to a designated area in each region called “the Collection Acopio.” These Collection Acopio received and stored for up to 48 hours’ nests harvested in the area and by default keeps nests care until a transport of the criadero that comes to bear all nests collected and bring them to the incubator.

Transport should be done with extreme caution because of the fragility of the eggs.

The gestation period in this species ranges from 70 to 85 days and is very important during this period that the temperature and humidity keep in default, for that the incubator has a sophisticated technology that controls the humidity and temperature and maintains both parameters within the appropriate margins.

At the end of the gestation period, spontaneously starts the process of hatching (birth). At this process is very important to work carried out by the hatchery personnel helping, cleaning and conditioning in newborn chicks.

In infants or young, they are retained as a security measure 24 hours in plastic boxes prepared for that purpose and located in the birth room adjacent to the incubator. After this stage of observation, they are transferred and deposited into the breeding pools.

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